CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP - 3-day tournament – medal play. No "X" holes or pick-ups.
MEDALLION #1, 2, 3, & 4 – AWGA Tournament Event. Play 4 different days and your best 2 out of 4 will determine the winner.
SOUTHERN DISTRICT ECLECTIC – 2-day tournament. First day record gross scores. Second day, improve score on each hole.
Randomly selected weekly games are assigned from the Golf Genius or league electronic weekly computer program, which will include such weekly games as:
STABLEFORD team or individual – points given for a net eagle (5), net birdie (3), net par (1) , net bogey (0).
SUCKER IN THE BUCKET – ABCD players. Decide which score to be used for first 3 holes, then must use 4th player who is designated the "sucker", since her score must be used. Proceed same way on next 4 holes, etc.
TEE TO GREEN – Count strokes from tee to green only, not putts. Use 1/2 of handicap.
Two Person Net Best Ball
T & F & S – Holes beginning with a "T", "F" or "S".
WALTZ - 1, 2, 3 or reverse waltz – 3, 2, 1.